August 31, 2010

Fathers Day Coffee & Cake

Today we celebrated our Dads! Fathers are such an important person in our children's lives, and we appreciate who our husbands are to our children (and in some cases, who our own Dads are to our children).

I read a quote yesterday that said "It is much easier to become a father than to BE one"... How true! Sometimes I really wonder how our men do it. They work a job, but still come home with energy to play with their little ones and tuck them in at night, and even have some left over for Mum. :o)

Fathers, we love you heaps and appreciate you so much! The kids spent some time decorating some biscuits to take home for their dads while the Mums got some time out to watch RAIN by Nooma. (If you missed it, you can catch it here). Happy Fathers Day, Dad!

August 10, 2010

Money Talk

Today we were taught a little more about budgeting and the long term benefits by Justin Lee, our friendly accountant.
If you missed it, or would like to have a re-read, here it is to download: Taming the Budget Beast.
In 2008, Justin went through exactly how to build a budget that actually works - if you would like to recap, here it is: Balancing the Books & A Sample Budget.

He touched on how important it is to know your end goals. If you're not sure how to calculate when your mortgage will be paid in full, check out these sites:

Thanks again, Justin, for your help and as always, a little humour.