As we are a Mother's group, we would like to remind everyone to please consider the women in our group who are either pregnant, or may be pregnant but not public yet, or even who are just "trying". Many things that are not harmful to us, or even that aren't a big deal for the kids, are in fact very dangerous for pregnant women or their unborn babies. For example, Slapped Cheek & Chickenpox are very dangerous for an unborn baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and/or around the time of birth. Things like vomitting & diarrhoea bugs and even just some colds are handled ok by a toddler, but can end up with a young baby spending time in hospital.
The team at WonderMums formalised a health policy in November 2010. This is simply in the interests of keeping as many people healthy as possible and stopping the spread of illness amongst our kids.
Our health policy is as follows:
Fever – Please allow 24hours to pass after the fever has left, before coming to WM.
Vomit/Diarrhoea - no episode in 48hours prior to WM
Green Snot - please stay home
All Snot - MUST be wiped from children's noses or kids will wipe with their hands/arms and then leave snot on toys/furniture etc.. due to the virus staying in the snot for a few weeks.
Constant Coughing - please stay home
Mild coughing/sneezing - please teach children to cough into elbows to avoid spreading germs.
Please feel free to call us or email us if you have any questions or would like clarification.
Please feel free to call us or email us if you have any questions or would like clarification.