Oh oh oh!
Delicious, pretty, dainty food!
We had sandwiches, scones, macarons, cupcakes, quiches, meringues, chocolate tarts. Divine! Food is such a great way of spending some time hanging out with good friends and relaxing. We were also very lucky today to have so many wonderful people helping out with looking after our kids-we couldn't do it without you ladies! So a huge thanks to Faith, Diane, Irene, Sharon, Shelley & Rachel.
Today Ruby shared with us a tool useful for looking at ourselves as a whole person. See the diagram below.
Here goes my recollection of her talk. Whare nga Tapa Wha means the whole body/person. Essentially, we are made up of 4 parts. Tinana (physical body), Hingangaro (mind & emotions, soul), Wairua (spiritual). As women, we tend to think that all 4 parts should be going really well all at the same same. (For a quick walk through women's history, see what Ruby spoke on last time here). However, often we are depleted in many of the areas. Sometimes for specific reasons, sometimes just becasue of life. God created us to enjoy life. Tinana, Hingangaro & Whanau all could be described as the PLEASURE part of life. Which is good! Wairua is the TREASURE part of life. Ruby referenced Mat 6:19-21 "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." Ruby shared from her own life, but I won't attempt to share that, as I think it's important that it's heard exactly as it's spoken. When we focus on the three under pleasure, it often leaves us so tired. Drained. Worn out.
When we focus on Wairua, it becomes our Powerhouse! It has the ability to energise the other 3, and can cause you to see those 3 differently too.
Ruby encouranged us to 'take our temperatures' - to look at the diagram, and work out where we are at. Are we exhausted? Is our focus in the right place? How do we think we are going?
It's certainly a refreshing way to think about ourselves.
Looking forward to hearing more from Ruby next time!