Wow, I did a tally up, and I've been blessed by WonderMums for a full 7 years this Christmas! But now my time is coming to a close. I'll be finishing up at the end of the year.
I've been a bit reflective, so I looked at another few numbers too, as I'm just a little bit geeky like that...
In my time, WM has grown from having an average of 9 women each week to this years amazing average of 18 women. Most years, we have been in contact with approximately 30 of you, and seeing you all semi-regularly. There have been 112 different woman who have made up WM over this period. Wow!!
In my time, WM has grown from having an average of 9 women each week to this years amazing average of 18 women. Most years, we have been in contact with approximately 30 of you, and seeing you all semi-regularly. There have been 112 different woman who have made up WM over this period. Wow!!
The leadership has seen some changes over this time too.
Did you know that WM started 2 years prior to my joining, and was run by Catherine & Julia out of Catherine's home? When Julia moved to Aussie, I joined Catherine at the start of 2007 (having just had my first baby) and we shifted it to church due to it's growing size and we gave it a name: 'WonderMums'. I was very VERY shy talking to people I didn't know, and the whole thought of starting my New Mum days with a group of women I didn't know was honestly quite scary. ;) Those of you who have been around since 2007 will remember me making myself busy in the kitchen and with 'tasks' to be able to help Catherine. During my time with her, I learned some amazing things. Catherine has always been such a friendly, welcoming person and I was truly blessed to be on this team with her. Jo W joined us along with Ruth B. Then Julia returned from Aussie and we were 5! Yay! (In our opinion, 5 is the best number for this team). Catherine moved on and we gained Jo P. The next sad fare-well was to Ruth who was unwell at the time, and more recently, tears were shed over Jo W who moved, and Julia who was need by Mainly Music. Our team grew to include Lisa C & Jo C. All these women are wonderful women who have given selflessly of their time and love. They have all had such a huge heart for this wonderful mother's group. I have truly been privileged to work along side of them. It has been humbling to see how God has always provided what we have needed in the team too. Each of us has had different skills and talents and it's worked together so well!
This year has been a great year too - we've seen lots of new Mums join us, and there have been some great friendships springing up. I have always wanted this group to be a place that 'serves the mum'. That means, WM is all about you! It's been our desire that this group be a place where real community is experienced, and I believe that is happening. This group of woman have cooked countless meals for each other, helped out with each others kids, supported during times of illness, celebrated MANY new babies... the lists go on!
So why am I leaving? Well, it has not been an easy decision. Because I LOVE WM! But having said that, I do feel very much at peace that this is right. I am looking to do a paper at Carey Bible College next year, with the intention of studying full time in the future (once I've worked out if I can actually do it!). There is a lot of behind-the-scenes-time spent on WM by the team, and I know that I won't be able to do this well while I am trying to get into the swing of studying.
So I'm not really going anywhere, and I'll still be around having coffee & cake with you all. However, on the weeks I have an assignment, this will free me up to take a week here and there to cram/read/write or whatever it is you have to do when you're studying.
I am so looking forward to seeing the Team take on new people, and to see where they take WM too! Nothing is going to change to too much, and they are all still very committed. I'm really excited about this group, and what it means to us as Mums. Having a support network of other mothers who are either going through the same stuff as us, or have been through it before is invaluable, isn't it? Mothering can feel so lonely at times, but it doesn't need to be, and that is one of the things that WonderMums is about! So watch this space to see who comes on board for next year, and join the Facebook group to keep abreast of any announcements.
Lastly, I want to thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your lives in this way, and for adding so very much to mine! God bless you all loads and loads! Looking forward to catching up over coffee....
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