July 29, 2009

Cooking Secrets Exposed

On the 18th Aug, bring along your favourite recipes to WM, for us to compile into a cookbook. We may take photos of you &/or your kids for the book too, so be prepared. :o)

The categories we're considering are:
One Pot Wonders (Casserole, Crockpots etc)
Easy Baking
Delectable Desserts
Fun Cooking for Kids

So get busy and bring along your favourites...

the funky monkeys

Hi ladies - note that next Tues there is no WM. We are going to the funky monkeys on the wed at 10.30am instead. See their website for more information on them. This will be a huge fun event for our kids. Bring your friends too!

July 22, 2009

Welcome Term 3!!

Hi ladies, the new season calendar is now linked on the right there - we'll have originals at WM next week for you. We had a blast on Tuesday - baking coming out our ears! Thanks for all those that contributed! A huge welcome to the new people who came along too.

The Parenting Place now has it's Term 3 schedule of courses etc available on their website. Check it out - maybe pair up and attend those that interest you, or do swapsies on babysitting. There's always a way to make it happen if you're keen. :o)

Preparation for Parenting Classes: My husband & I facilitate these classes and think they're very practically helpful! If you know anyone who is interested, please give them my details. We will start our next class on the 25th August. (For more info, see the blog listed on the right : NZ Parents...)

See the poll to the right - would you be opposed to wearing a name tag? Have your say.

We hope you all have a fantastic term!

July 12, 2009

Hey God, About that Baby!

Hey God, you know that baby that Mum brought home last week:
She said I need a playmate, but gee the kid won't speak!
He can't even kick my footy, or bowl my cricket ball.
I think it's a waste of time to bring him home at all.

Mummy used to play with me, and read my favourite rhyme,
Now we've got that baby, she hasn't got the time.
It's "just the baby's sleeping", or "must you make that noise?"
Or "mind you don't hurt the baby, don't touch the baby's toys".

Gran says "he's simply darling", she loves his eyes of blue,
I'm getting tired of all this female "coochy coo".
If he burps, he's a clever boy, if I burp, I'm just rude.
Mum says I'm displaying a jealous attitude.

Mum says, "you've got to learn to share, you've got a brother now"
So I shared my sardine sandwich, and gee what a row!
How was I supposed to know a baby doesn't chew,
He's got no teeth, gee what a kid, there's nothing he can do.

So I asked my Dad to change him, maybe for a Pup,
Now Mummy's in there howling, and Dad can't shut her up.
What's the good of babies, they don't know how to play,
And I have to tippy toe around, "Cos baby sleeps all day".

So now I'm in my bedroom, because I cause a fuss.
Gee God! Why did you send that kid to live with us???

July 10, 2009

Wondermums Community Support Project - Noah!

As you may be aware, as a Wondermums group, we are trying to raise money for a little boy named Noah with Leukemia. The thing is, that although we don't know a whole lot about this boy or his family, we do know that they are struggling with this illness and with life right now. Noah is 10 years old and attends a local Manurewa primary school. His family are not well off and are coping with frequent hospital trips for treatment and the like. Noah is loosing his hair and finding it difficult to cope with this socially.
I just can't imagine the pain and emotions that accompany a family who must cope with such an illness as this in one of their children. As a new-ish mum i already know what i feel when my daughter is sick, lethargic and in mild pain! So my heart goes out to Noah and his mum and dad who are dealing with much much more daily.
In a recent email I sent out i gave the opportunity for people to give money towards purchasing the family a new in-ear thermometer. However they are recently been informed by their doctor that unless they are specifically trained in the use of these then they can often give inaccurate readings! Soo we will be giving some more thought as to how to best use the money given for Noah. We will keep you informed, but please be assured that this money given will bless a family in need and show that we care and want to support them with their pain.

Thank you so so much for the amount given so far! We will keep you updated and if you would like any more information please feel free to contact me (Ruth). My email address is ruthbeale.nz@gmail.com.

July 9, 2009

What Could I Have Done?

When I think back on my life; years that have passed one by one,
I have to stop and ask myself... just what could I have done?

What could I have done that was so special? What did I do? I'd like to know.
What virtuous deed did I commit that equals the privilege of watching you grow?

As I watch your playful expressions while some amusing story is being unfurled,
I think I must have done something right to bring such a child into this world.

The special times we share together make memories that last long after.
My child, you've brightened so many days with the sound of your sweet laughter.

When a bad day gets me feeling down and things just aren't going right,
you can turn my attitude around with just your hug and kiss "goodnight."

For anything that you may need, I would walk mile...after...mile
if my reward at the end of the journey was just to see you smile.

Our hearts seem to be connected as though linked with an invisible chain;
for when you laugh..I am happy and when you hurt...I feel your pain.

I feel the need to guard and protect you even when we are apart.
From the first time I held you in my arms, ...have held you in my heart.

Did I quench a dying man's thirst? Did I save the life of another?
What could I have done that was so grand that I got this chance to be your mother?

Whatever act that I performed, whatever task that I got done...
I'm just glad that God took note of it... and chose me to be the one!

(c) 1998 Linda Ellis All Rights Reserved

July 7, 2009

Term 3 - Watch this space

Hi ladies,

Term 3 will begin with a coffee & cake week at our usual venue. Remember to bring mornnig tea for your children as per normal, and a small plate to share.

We will have the calendar for T3 available to take home that week.

Looking forward to seeing you all - enjoy your holidays!