Hi All,
Welcome back to another wonderful term at WonderMums. Hopefully you have received a calender in the post, but if not you can download it from this blog site shortly. Just a reminder that next week, we will be meeting at Totara Park and if you choose, can go on a short pram work to the 'back' playground with your children. If it is raining, we will change venue and go down to the Sykes road swimming pool instead. If you have any doubts as to the state of the weather for any of our outings, please feel free to phone up the Church office and Chris or Carol will let you know where we'll be! This number is permanently on the hardcopy of the calender and is (09) 267 4411.
The other new thing we have this term is the feedback card. This can be found each week on the desk as you enter the hall. We would welcome feedback and suggestions from you and their is also a space for if you have a need we can help you with, in terms of parenting, prayer or perhaps something else. Just place this in the pink box, which will be on the table.
It was great to see some of you this morning for coffee and cake, roll on the rest of the term!