May 13, 2013

Happy Mothers Day, Mums!

Mums hold a special place in God's heart.
A note from Monique:
Mothers are designed so preciously...
With an ability to love our offspring at first sight,
Desiring to nurture and grow them even at our own cost.
There’s a lion-like fierceness in our readiness to protect,
And in our willingness to love no matter what!

Coupled with a loving acceptance of who our children really are,
Is the gift of seeing them as fabulous, both with bumps and treasures.
Mother’s are part of a miracle:
Seeing pieces of our hearts given to each child,
Yet that heart still somehow, staying fully functional.

The bible says God created male and female in His image.
We tend to think of God with mainly masculine traits.
However, stop and consider all that he packed into a woman.
Strength, softness, unconditional love, delight, warmth...
All these parts of himself, he entwined together into a Mother.

If we, who are merely human, are able to feel all that towards our children,
Imagine the magnitude of what He feels for us!
Mothers hold a special place in God’s heart,
For He placed a special part of Himself into us...

A note from Jo: Thinking about what to write for Mothers day on our blog, I decided this post from Josh’s birth in my blog said it all really…

 At 5.40am on Sunday June 8th our sweet 7lb 8oz baby boy was born! As far as births go, Josh's was really good (but still flipping sore! And it was bit scary when he went blue twice and we had to go to Middlemore - but all was fine in the end) and ever since my whole world has changed! I'm so in love with my baby boy and so enjoying being his Mummy! I can't believe that I had lived 30 years of life without knowing this love I have for my son and not have felt more empty or something. I mean my life and my heart are just so much more full now! And it has made me love God even more now that I have a small inkling of how He must feel about all of us. Also it made me love Mike even more (if that's possible) because I see so much of him in our son and it's just added a whole new dimension to our marriage too. The only thing I can complain about is that it's going too fast!!!

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