August 12, 2013

Welcome Baby Toby!

Melissa & Shaun have had a handsome boy!
Toby Shaun was born on the 31st July at 5.24pm.

He weighed in at 4200g (9lb4oz) and is 54cms long.

Toby is settling in okay and Beth is curious about our new family member. Melissa says Shaun and herself are figuring out how to balance the needs of both our little ones and each other.

God bless you all heaps as you bond together as a new family - he is lovely! Congratulations!

August 5, 2013

Welcome Baby Liam!

Liam Antonius was born on the 14th June at 12.15am.  He weighed in at 3900g and was 56cm long.

Helen had a water birth! (I loved my water births.)

Most of us have had a few cuddles now and think he's perfect!