August 19, 2008

Winter Soups

What a great day we had today! Lots of people - a big welcome to our new people, great to meet you!

Here's the link to the recipes I cooked today. WonderMums Soups

Have a try yourself - quick & easy. The Pear & Parsnip Soup is an awesome entree when you want to impress. The Broccoli is very nutricious - afterall, it's a "green" vege!

Remember - If you plan to come to Butterfly Creek - you need to register your interest with me asap. Thanks!

1 comment:

The Beales said...

Hey Monique,
Those soups where so fabulous, i'm trying to think of ways i can trick Tim into eating them. But if not will just have to make them for me! Thanks for all your effort too!
Ruth xo