November 3, 2013

~ A Note From Monique ~

I just like this picture...

Wow, I did a tally up, and I've been blessed by WonderMums for a full 7 years this Christmas! But now my time is coming to a close. I'll be finishing up at the end of the year.

I've been a bit reflective, so I looked at another few numbers too, as I'm just a little bit geeky like that...
In my time, WM has grown from having an average of 9 women each week to this years amazing average of 18 women. Most years, we have been in contact with approximately 30 of you, and seeing you all semi-regularly.  There have been 112 different woman who have made up WM over this period. Wow!! 

The leadership has seen some changes over this time too.
Did you know that WM started 2 years prior to my joining, and was run by Catherine & Julia out of Catherine's home? When Julia moved to Aussie, I joined Catherine at the start of 2007 (having just had my first baby) and we shifted it to church due to it's growing size and we gave it a name: 'WonderMums'. I was very VERY shy talking to people I didn't know, and the whole thought of starting my New Mum days with a group of women I didn't know was honestly quite scary. ;) Those of you who have been around since 2007 will remember me making myself busy in the kitchen and with 'tasks' to be able to help Catherine.  During my time with her, I learned some amazing things. Catherine has always been such a friendly, welcoming person and I was truly blessed to be on this team with her. Jo W joined us along with Ruth B. Then Julia returned from Aussie and we were 5! Yay! (In our opinion, 5 is the best number for this team). Catherine moved on and we gained Jo P. The next sad fare-well was to Ruth who was unwell at the time, and more recently, tears were shed over Jo W who moved, and Julia who was need by Mainly Music. Our team grew to include Lisa C & Jo C. All these women are wonderful women who have given selflessly of their time and love. They have all had such a huge heart for this wonderful mother's group. I have truly been privileged to work along side of them. It has been humbling to see how God has always provided what we have needed in the team too. Each of us has had different skills and talents and it's worked together so well!

This year has been a great year too - we've seen lots of new Mums join us, and there have been some great friendships springing up. I have always wanted this group to be a place that 'serves the mum'. That means, WM is all about you! It's been our desire that this group be a place where real community is experienced, and I believe that is happening. This group of woman have cooked countless meals for each other, helped out with each others kids, supported during times of illness, celebrated MANY new babies... the lists go on!
So why am I leaving?  Well, it has not been an easy decision. Because I LOVE WM! But having said that, I do feel very much at peace that this is right. I am looking to do a paper at Carey Bible College next year, with the intention of studying full time in the future (once I've worked out if I can actually do it!). There is a lot of behind-the-scenes-time spent on WM by the team, and I know that I won't be able to do this well while I am trying to get into the swing of studying. 

So I'm not really going anywhere, and I'll still be around having coffee & cake with you all. However, on the weeks I have an assignment, this will free me up to take a week here and there to cram/read/write or whatever it is you have to do when you're studying. 

I am so looking forward to seeing the Team take on new people, and to see where they take WM too! Nothing is going to change to too much, and they are all still very committed.  I'm really excited about this group, and what it means to us as Mums. Having a support network of other mothers who are either going through the same stuff as us, or have been through it before is invaluable, isn't it? Mothering can feel so lonely at times, but it doesn't need to be, and that is one of the things that WonderMums is about! So watch this space to see who comes on board for next year, and join the Facebook group to keep abreast of any announcements.

Lastly, I want to thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your lives in this way, and for adding so very much to mine! God bless you all loads and loads!  Looking forward to catching up over coffee....

August 12, 2013

Welcome Baby Toby!

Melissa & Shaun have had a handsome boy!
Toby Shaun was born on the 31st July at 5.24pm.

He weighed in at 4200g (9lb4oz) and is 54cms long.

Toby is settling in okay and Beth is curious about our new family member. Melissa says Shaun and herself are figuring out how to balance the needs of both our little ones and each other.

God bless you all heaps as you bond together as a new family - he is lovely! Congratulations!

August 5, 2013

Welcome Baby Liam!

Liam Antonius was born on the 14th June at 12.15am.  He weighed in at 3900g and was 56cm long.

Helen had a water birth! (I loved my water births.)

Most of us have had a few cuddles now and think he's perfect!

July 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Lokesh!

This cute little guy turned six this year! WonderMums has been supporting him for over 2 years now, and we really appreciate every dollar that you all have donated to him. Read here for more information about who he is... and you can read his cute as letters!

On Tuesday, you all raised $50.00 towards his sponsorship. Thank you!

I look forward to seeing how his life turns out, and what he gets to do later on with his education. It is such a privilege being involved in giving him the chance that we all just ... take for granted here.

Happy Birthday, little guy!

June 25, 2013

Sharpie on Mugs...

Oooh, how cool are these?
Ladies, just note, these are NOT dishwasher friendly!
So you have your mug, what now? Well, first you wait 24 hours, THEN put it in the oven, turn it onto 180deg C and bake it for 30mins once the oven is at temperature. Then leave it in there to totally cool down.

Again - they don't like the dishwasher.

Have fun!

June 24, 2013

Littlies Magazine, Best of their Parenting Tips

In the 100th issue, they had 3 pages of tips... I've had this little mag in my loo and I read a few each day. I thought I'd share what I considered to be the best, with you! This first one, is one I tell every new Mother...

"Don't be afraid to trust yourself. Your instincts are usually right, and Mum knows best!" - Tracey Topp, Cosy Toes.

"When I kiss my two boys goodnight, I say, 'How did I get to be such a lucky mummy to have the two best sons in the world?' I think that is what parenting is all about - instilling a deep-down sens of belonging." - Fran McInnes, Director of Breastmates

"Have fun. It's really as simple as that. it's true they grow like wildfire, so enjoy it - every age and stage brings it's own small challenges, and enormous joys." - Miriama Kamo, TV presenter & Mum

"As a mum with a special-needs child, I'd say, choose your battles. If my son wants to wear pink gumboots and a green Christmas hat to school, I let him - after all, it's only clothing." - Catroina Greig, Littlies reader

"Hugs, hugs and more hubs. A mum's hug lasts long after she lets go." - Lesley Williamson, Littlies Founder/Director

"Take time for yourself, whether it's sleeping, taking a relaxing bath, or reading in peace for 10 minutes!" - Belinda Simon, Director of Pregoli

"You'll get lots of advice from everyone. Listen to those you respect, and choose the advice that feels the best fit for you and your baby." - Karen Guillialand CEO NZ College of Midwives

"Be who you want your children to see and be. If you don't want them to see you do it, hear you say it, or know you did it and tell everyone else you said it... Don't do it or say it!" - Jules Cronin, Littlies Reader

And two of my personal favourites:

"Don't make their problem your problem... They'll only change the behaviou when it's making their life difficult, not yours." - Nigel Latta, Clinical Psychologist

"If you have had a truly ghastly day, go and gaze at your child when they are asleep. They look so calm, vulnerable and beautiful and it is much easier to remember that you love them, and will do it all over again tomorrow." - Diane Levy, Family Therapist.

May 14, 2013

Loving Your Body, by Catherine

Today we talked about the importance of loving our bodies and appreciating just how much they have served us over the years.  I am so grateful to God for giving me a body that housed and fed my two beautiful children for a time and that keeps going even though at times I don't always treat it how I know I should.

Psalm 139 talks about how our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made and the more I learn about how the human body works the more I agree with this. I find that when my motivation to exercise is about caring for my future body for both myself and my family I tend to stick to things a lot more than if it’s just about how I look or how I think I look because the truth is I will never look like a supermodel no matter what I do… in fact supermodels in real life don’t even look like the supermodels in the magazines.

Seeing as our bodies do so much for us it seems only right to give a little back basically so our bodies can keep doing what they were designed to do in serving us in so many ways. 

One of the ways we can do this is through exercise or as I like to call it 'training for life'.  I talked and demonstrated today a few exercises you can do at home and ways to fit exercise in when you have a young family.

I think a good place to start is do something you enjoy doing, that way you're more likely to stick to it. As exercise is designed to put stress on your body in order to adapt it you may not always like it but a bit of huff and puff can be good for us.  It's important though to stop if you feel any pain especially chest pain or joint pain or if you feel unwell, dizzy or faint or  have trouble breathing.  Out of your comfort zone might be normal but pain and unwellness is not, this is especially important to note if you haven't done anything for a while.  Take things slowly to start with but set yourself some goals, you're more likely to stick with it if you do.  It could even be something like running for 10minutes without stopping, or swimming 12 laps of the pool, you'll feel great once you've achieved it and then you can move onto the next goal.  Aim to do some cardio and some strength training every week.  You can break it up 3 bouts of 10mins can be as good as 30mins in one go.  And if all else fails snackercise.. 2 minutes worth of star jumps is better than nothing if that’s all you can manage for one day.  The good news is housework can count to.  Try doing squats when hanging out the washing instead of bending with your back.  By the end of a few loads you would have done about 50 squats.. not a bad effort. Have fun and enjoy loving your bodies.

Please remember as I stated today I am not an expert. I have loads of passion, some knowledge and a little bit of experience so if you do have concerns about anything consult your doctor.  Also I should mention too that you shouldn’t start anything new exercise wise if you are pregnant without discussing it with you LMC first.

"Thanks so much, Catherine, for the time you put into this talk today - we appreciate it!"

May 13, 2013

Happy Mothers Day, Mums!

Mums hold a special place in God's heart.
A note from Monique:
Mothers are designed so preciously...
With an ability to love our offspring at first sight,
Desiring to nurture and grow them even at our own cost.
There’s a lion-like fierceness in our readiness to protect,
And in our willingness to love no matter what!

Coupled with a loving acceptance of who our children really are,
Is the gift of seeing them as fabulous, both with bumps and treasures.
Mother’s are part of a miracle:
Seeing pieces of our hearts given to each child,
Yet that heart still somehow, staying fully functional.

The bible says God created male and female in His image.
We tend to think of God with mainly masculine traits.
However, stop and consider all that he packed into a woman.
Strength, softness, unconditional love, delight, warmth...
All these parts of himself, he entwined together into a Mother.

If we, who are merely human, are able to feel all that towards our children,
Imagine the magnitude of what He feels for us!
Mothers hold a special place in God’s heart,
For He placed a special part of Himself into us...

A note from Jo: Thinking about what to write for Mothers day on our blog, I decided this post from Josh’s birth in my blog said it all really…

 At 5.40am on Sunday June 8th our sweet 7lb 8oz baby boy was born! As far as births go, Josh's was really good (but still flipping sore! And it was bit scary when he went blue twice and we had to go to Middlemore - but all was fine in the end) and ever since my whole world has changed! I'm so in love with my baby boy and so enjoying being his Mummy! I can't believe that I had lived 30 years of life without knowing this love I have for my son and not have felt more empty or something. I mean my life and my heart are just so much more full now! And it has made me love God even more now that I have a small inkling of how He must feel about all of us. Also it made me love Mike even more (if that's possible) because I see so much of him in our son and it's just added a whole new dimension to our marriage too. The only thing I can complain about is that it's going too fast!!!

May 9, 2013

Would You...?

One of the tasks I spend time on each morning is doing my hair. I know, it might not look it... ;O)  On occasion, when said hair is not conforming, I've fantasised about shaving it all off. I've gone very very short before, but never shaved. I even seriously considered doing this last year. But my vanity got in the way when I considered the photos taken during the first year of my son's life, would have me in them... bald. So I chickened out.

One of Nicol's friends has been through this awful battle of her baby daughter fighting Leukaemia. Nicol has witnessed the pain this disease causes. Have you ever considered doing the Shave for a Cure? But not quite gotten up the gumption to do it?

Lucky for us, we can live vicariously through Nicol. Who I consider to be ultra brave! She IS Shaving for a Cure... This sunday the 12th, at MBC. You can keep your locks, and donate your cash instead!  You won't regret making time in your Mother's Day schedule to come along to our 'Honour, High Tea & a Shave' event at church. This will be a very family friendly morning and very hands-on. Your kids will even get to decorate a few cupcakes for us all to eat. It's a really important thing to teach our kids to honour the big people in their life, and this time it's us Mum's turn. They'll get to see us honouring special women in our own lives, too.

Sunday, 12th May - 10am to 11am it's all being shaved off for Nicol - She would really appreciate the support!  

See you there! 

Donate online here:
Check out the event details for Sunday, here:
Nicol's Event page here:

May 7, 2013

Mother's Day Mmmmnnn!

We had such a delicious morning!! You ladies turned it on!
Layered Butter Cake, Cupcakes, Macarons, Afgans, Choc & Lemon Tarts, Cheese & crackers,
Chocolate Cake, Belgium Biscuits, Sushi, Loafs & some cute as chicken eggs...

You name it, it was likely there.
Check out Mary's adorable Chicks!!
We have been looking forward to this week and the opportunity to do something a little bit special for you. You ladies do an awesome job of mothering, and we're proud to be on this journey with you. We hope you enjoy the little crocheted heart, and that it reminds you that you're loved...

April 1, 2013

Celebrating Easter!!

The Mummies Loot
At WonderMums, we love Easter! It's such a special time of year where we remember the greatest gift given to mankind: the real and accessible opportunity to have relationship with God. (See here for what Easter means to each of us on the team). So we celebrated with a bit of a party in The Gardens. The weather was amazing with a sunny, clear, warm day. The kids enjoyed tearing around following the trail to find the chocolate!
The Egg Hunt

Have you ever met a child who doesn't instinctively know that chocolate is awesome? Me either. Here's some evidence of pure enjoyment. :)
Enjoying the Loot
 We all sat on blankets to listen to Jayne tell our children a special story of new life using a ball of fabric (cacoon) in which was hidden a pretty butterfly. Everyone wanted a piece of the butterfly :)
Story Time!
 And we Mummies enjoyed some lemon cupcakes. We hope you really enjoyed Easter.
General Sweetness & Cuteness!

March 28, 2013

Happy Easter Mums!

We wanted to take this opportunity to share our hearts & faith a little bit with you...

A note from Jo: "I have always loved the chocolate side of Easter and still do! But it wasn't until I became a Christian as an adult that Easter really became special to me. I am loving seeing my boys, Josh in particular wrap his head around what it actually means that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. That God required a sacrifice for all the sins of all mankind, and so instead of taking the sacrifice from us bit by bit each and every time we do something wrong, he provided the sacrifice himself and came to earth in human form and took the ultimate punishment, the worst and most final punishment for any and every sin possible - death and in that death separation to God even, so that instead, not by anything we could possibly do except acknowledging what Jesus did on our behalf we get to live in right relationship with God on earth and spend all of eternity with him when our time on earth is over too!"

A note from Lisa: "My most memorable Easter was back in 1997 when I was fourteen, and I went along (reluctantly!) to an Easter Camp with friends from our youth group.  At that camp I experienced for the first time a loving God who died for me, through Jesus.  I was so overwhelmed that I decided to become a Christian that Easter.  It was a very meaningful time for me, it marked a massive change in my life, and it has shaped me into the person I am today as a follower of Jesus.  I find Easter to be such an amazing time to reflect and be SO grateful that Jesus did the hardest thing ever on our behalf - taking our mess upon himself and overcoming death.  I'm so glad he did!"

A note from Monique: "As a child, my family celebrated Easter each year by gathering round my father as he shared the story of Jesus' precious gift to us. I realise now as a Mum, that this is a challenging thing to help your kids to understand and relate to! That God, as a Father, sent His only son to take the punishment for my sin, so that I could go free. One of the ways I try to unpack this to my boys is along these lines: 'When you do something wrong... like... breaking another child's toy, something happens. The person who broke the toy needs to pay the consequences. We might have to buy another toy with all your pocket money to make it right, and you also might have to be in time-out to think about what you did... Imagine, if before you had to pay that price, your best friend offered to buy the new toy with his money, and go into time out for you so that you were free to play. That would be pretty special!' Even though they are not all old enough to understand it completely, I want to build on that foundation in their lives by giving them parallels they can latch onto. And the gem that they can catch, is that Easter is all about God's incredible, huge, amazing love for us! He delights in us, and we are all so very precious to Him...

We hope you all have a special Easter together with your families! From the WM Team x

March 19, 2013

Ardmore Airport Visit

 Each year that we visit this little cafe, it's a hit. They do lovely food, and the outdoor area is so child friendly. Our kiddies were fascinated watching the planes take off and land. Us Mummies were able to sit in the sun and enjoy an 'almost-quiet' coffee *wink*.

March 4, 2013

St Annes Reserve & Beach Visit

Our visit to the reserve was soo lovley! The tide was in so the kids were able to get in and have a little splash around (while we cooled off our tooties too!). We all kicked back and sat around chatting and watching our small darlings have some beach fun. There's a playground here too - you should definitely check it out! We have been so blessed with great weather this term, and our offsite weeks have felt a bit like a mini-holiday...

(P.S. Just email us if you would like a copy of any of our photos we post)

February 25, 2013

Totara Park Visit

Lots of fun was had at the Totara Park Playground visit! You can easily get a pram up there if you take the Bridle Track. There is lots to keep various ages interested too. So if you're looking for a different park set quietly in amongst native trees, this is worth a visit!

If swimming's your thing, take your gear and have a swim in the free pool on your way home.

We were sad to have Belinda with us for the last time this week before she flew out to join her hubby in making a new life in Canada. It's been so great having her with us last year. We will miss you heaps, Bee!!

February 17, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Our new year kicked off with a coffee & cake week. This term we have a few outings lined up, so be sure to check the calendar to see where we'll be.

At the end of last year, we sadly farewelled Jo W & Julia from the team.  There were flowers, small gifts, and quite a few tears!
Jo has been a part of the team for about 5 years and her friendliness and amazing design skills will be sorely missed. Jo and her family moved to Pakuranga at the beginning of this year. Now that Nathan has started school and Sophie is in kindy she'll be doing more Graphic Design work from home. She said she'll come and visit us again though as WMums has been very special to her over the years.
Julia re-joined our team when she moved back from Melbourne. But did you know, that Catherine & Julia started this mothers group back when they had their first children, and before it was even named WM. So we've been lucky enough to have her for about 7 years in total. We will miss Julia on our team, but she needed to focus her time on running Mainly Music. As you may have noticed, she hasn't gone 'far' and we're blessed to have her help out with things from time to time (Thanks Julia!).

At the end of 2012, Lisa C joined Jo P & I on our team.  We want to extend a HUGE welcome to you, Lisa! We are so excited to have her on board, and love the chance to have fresh input and new ideas.

On that note, remember if you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to let us know (email, txt, phone etc). We love having feedback from you all, and this is what helps us to shape this group to better serve you.

Christmas & New Years seems to get people thinking about their life from a slightly bigger perspective. Some people are brave enough to make resolutions too. This year, I've been thinking about something a little different. I love having that long break. 31st Dec gives way to the 1st Jan...  With it, something often shifts in our thinking.  It's just a date change though, and often in the middle of a week. What is it that clicks our minds over into 'new' things? We tend to stop and take stock of things. We look behind to assess where we've come from. Maybe we decide on things we want to change, do better. But we also look ahead; wonder about what God has in store for us.

It occurred to me, that year ends are really a gift. They have the ability to give us fresh starts, fresh hope and the chance to learn new things. I found myself feeling thankful that God saw fit to package our 'time' into seasons, months, weeks and days. No matter how a day (week, month, year etc) goes, we can choose to start over. We can use those moments in time to make changes and choose to move forward. What a blessing to start each day fresh with our kids! And kids are so great at waking up with a clean slate aren't they? We could learn a lot from them.

I am thankful for this gift of new beginnings...