December 3, 2009

Welcome Baby Aleisha!

Leonie Stewart had her gorgeous little baby girl on the 22nd of November. She weighed in at 8lb. Some of us were lucky enough to get a hold of Aleisha Joy last tuesday, and she is a sweetie! There is something so special about newborn babies - I love them!

A huge congratuations to you, Leonie and your family! You're doing great, and we're proud of you! All the best for your family.
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Christmas Craft Night

Last night we all headed up to Julia's to get into some more creativity. Julia found this cute little angel in the Aussie WW Mag and it's pretty easy to make, and not too fiddly.

Even those girls who thought they weren't creative enjoyed it. Everyone's angels turned out beautifully!! (Check out the album of the rest of the photos - See on the RHS 'Albums'.)

What a cute little gift for your daughters, nieces, & Grandmas!

We were spoiled with Julia's lovely coffee's and a divine Cookies & Cream Cheesecake! Yummy! We're almost at the end of 2009 for WM, and I'm already looking forward to hanging out with you all next year!

December 2, 2009

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is a great time for making fun & meaningful family traditions. Traditions give children a sense of belonging, and also something to look forward to that is special, besides just presents.

We have put together a list of some traditions that we co-ordinators do, and others we WANT to do! Download it on the RHS under 'Calendar & Handouts'.

We made Christmas balls out of pretty paper. These can be made using last years Christmas cards, photos... The possibilites go on. See the album to the RHS for more photos of our craft session, and the YUMMY food we had for morning tea.

This last photo is a picture of a Ball made by Maria using photographs. What a great job she's done. Zanda now has his own personalised decoration for his first Christmas.

November 24, 2009

Christmas Traditions

Next Tuesday, we're going to get in the Christmas Spirit! We'll make a basic craft - as long as you can use a pair of scissors, you'll do great!

We're also going to have some ideas for Traditions for your family for Christmas, up on a powerpoint. If you have any of your own that you'd like to share, bring them along.

See you next week!

What should you bring? A pair of paper scissors.

November 4, 2009

Movie Night! 10 November

This one is going to be a tear-jerker, so bring your tissues!

We are going to see the 8.55pm session, because the only other earlier option is 6.40pm which may be a little early for some to get children in bed before we leave etc. Let's meet at Nando's at 7.30pm for coffee & dessert first. (If Coffee Club is open we could go there instead - their hours are erratic in the evening tho. Cost for Manukau Sky City is $10 for a Tues. Hope to you see you there!

P.S. for those who have read the book, Hollywood changed the ending - Jodi P had no control. So be prepared.

Movie Synopsis
After their daughter is stricken with leukemia, a couple conceives a younger sister who can provide a donor match, but the family is torn apart when, after years of medical procedures, the healthy younger sibling sues her parents for the right to decide how her body is used.

November 3, 2009

Angel Tree!

At WonderMums, we look for opportunites to be able to give something back to our community.
Angel Tree is an awesome program which provides a present at Christmas for the children of those in prison. These children are the innocent ones who deserve to enjoy Christmas despite what one or other of their parents may have done. Have a look at the website for more information.
We have chosen 3 children to buy for: A one year old, a two year old, and a three year old.
for the next 3 weeks at WonderMums, we will have this little tree out on our sign-in table, along with a box for you to put any donations if you would like to be a part of this. On the tree, are the details of the children we are buying for. Check it out!
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Baby Clemmet has arrived!

Shannon had her baby boy last thursday the 29th Oct. Zachary weighed in at 7lb 10oz.

Shannon is doing great - in her words, "I rock!" You go girl!!

A huge congratulations to you, Shannon! Can't wait to meet him.

October 29, 2009

Baby Wilson has arrived!

A huge congratulations to Jo & Nigel & Nathan on the new addition to their family - a beautiful baby girl!

Sophie was born on the 25th Oct at 10.12pm, and weighed in just over 7lb.

Jo & Sophie are doing really well!

All the best guys, and we can't wait for cuddles at WonderMums!!

October 23, 2009

Another baby Diack has arrived!

A huge congratulations to Emma, Dave & Joshua on the cute addition to their family.

Asher Christopher Diack was born at 2:28am on the 15th October. He weighed in at 8lb 8oz!

Emma was/is a trooper! We look forward to seeing you guys at WonderMums.

October 21, 2009

Pregnant Mums

We thought it was about time we did a "Who's pregnant" update.

Here's a big congratulations to Cindy who is newly pregnant, and Ruthie who is also newly pregnant. You guys are doing great coping with all the difficulties of bad morning sickness and looking after your children.

Leonie is also pregnant, due in November.

Jo Wilson, and Shannon are due any day - how exciting! We are very much looking forward to meeting your babies, and wish you the very best for your deliveries.

October 13, 2009

Malachi Diack Born!

Nicol Diack gave birth to a gorgeous wee boy, James Malachi Diack, on the 10th Oct.

He weighed 6lb 12oz and took his Mummy a little by surprise coming a bit early. He's doing very well, and Nicol is looking fantastic.

Congratulations Ben & Nicol! We're looking forward to welcoming you to WonderMums.

September 25, 2009

Whats New at WonderMums?

You may have noticed a few changes around WM lately.

1. We've made up a bunch of name tags so you can easily remember who each other is - especially on a busy day. These are on a corkboard - just find yours and put it back on your departure. (You don't have to wear one - only if you want to). I've also put your children's names under your name.

2. We have purchased a safety gate to go accross the entrance to the toilets. This should stop our toddlers playing in there or getting jammed in the door. It's pretty easy to operate, but just get us to show you if you can't work it out.

3. Sign in Table. On this table will be a sheet with everyone's names on it. Please just sign in by your name (once again, for safety - so we know how many to account for in case of a fire). On this table will be the name tags, any new term calendars, and brochures for other child related events like Mainly Music etc. We also have 'sign-up' sheets for new people to fill in so we have their details. If you bring a friend who is wanting to continue, please have them fill in one of these.

4. We've now got reminder signs on the kitchn doors that children aren't allowed in there. We need to be mindful of this, and this is a requirement of the Manurewa Baptist Church so they comply with safety regulations. There are reminders to shut the main doors also, for people who come 'visit' us and leave them open. We're putting up the saftey gate over the main entrance at 10.30am rather than 10am so you have a chance to get your prams in.

5. We have a small children's table & chairs set now too - this is great for the those kids who love eating at 'their-size' tables. We're after a couple more chairs to go with it - so if you see any white ones somewhere - please let us know.

That's all from us! Hope you had a blast in Term 3. We have a 2 week break now with the holidays, and then all go on the first tues of the term with a coffee & cake week - remember to bring a 'small' plate (we supply crackers for children to avoid iced cake etc being mashed into the carpet).

Happy Holidays, Monique

September 13, 2009

Swapsies Day!!


Most of us found things we liked for ourselves - oh yeah, and the kids! We donated all the remaining clothes to the Cancer Foundation. We raised over $70.00 - awesome stuff ladies! This money will be given to a family in our local community who have a boy with Leukaemia, Noah (some of you kindly donated money for his family recently). It's great to be able to do something helpful for others with the things we no longer need.

Below are some places that can always do with good clean second hand clothing:
Auckland City Mission
Auckland Charity Dress for Success - they want your old handbags that are in good condition. Botany Mall has a drop point.
Woman's Refuge - You can contact our local branch to arrange giving second hand goods to them.
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September 10, 2009

Baby Emeth born!

Jo & Richard welcomed their baby Emeth into the world on the 7th Sept 09 at 6.56am.

Emeth Stanley Casey.

He weighed 3.6kg (8lb).

Jo is doing great. I've yet to meet him, but I'm told he's a real sweetie! Can't wait!

Congratulations guys!

Baby Joseph born!

Lisa & Simon Karl welcomed their baby into the world on the 26th August 09 at 5.58pm!
Joseph Quinn Karl.

He is such a gorgeous wee thing - but you all know I'm a complete sucker for babies. :o) He weighed 3.775kg (8lb 4oz) and was 56cm long.

Lisa is doing great. Congratulations guys!

September 7, 2009

Craft Night

We enjoyed some lovely brownie for dessert along with Julia's awesome coffee's!
Here's a picture of our wonderful creations - don't they look fantastic! Good work girls! Looking forward to our next craft night (if you have any ideas you'd like to try, email us on
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September 1, 2009

Children at Chipmunks!

Actually this title is not entirely accurate as you'll soon see.

aaagh look at this huge slide....of course we loved it~!

Today marked the first day of Spring...woo hoo! and to celebrate the occasion a whole group of us took off to Chipmunks in Botany this week.
The adults had almost, if not more fun, than the kids....The illegal (adults and under 2's) going down of the slide that left your stomach in your mouth mainly did it, but there where also the coffee's, chips, muffins and company that helped make the morning enjoyable.
What a great place for our children to feel comfortable with the huge range of toys and equipment and space to play with and for us to let them run wild and explore and get some space.
We are thinking we'll have to do this again soon.

August 10, 2009

The Funky Monkeys!

Far out! The Funky Monkeys was packed out! What a great show though. The kids just loved it, and thought it was pretty spesh getting to have photos with them and take home their autographs. There are more photos in the album - have a look!

August 3, 2009

World Breastfeeding Week Aug 1-7th

Hi Mums!
I got my newsletter this week from OhBaby! and they were celebrating World Breastfeeding Week. I thought the info they obtained from the MOH website was interesting. However, we all know that breastfeeding isn't just a given, and it doesn't always work. It is a skill to be learned by both Mum & Baby, and sometimes, there are physiological reasons why it isn't possible. With my first baby, I began to lose my milk around 4 months, and was exclusively bottle-forumula feeding by 6 months. I found this really difficult to adjust, and there wasn't really anyone to talk to as no-one was experiencing what I was.

I'm very aware of the things that effect my milk supply this time round, and thought I'd share some: tiredness (if I don't have arvo sleeps for a week, it has a huge effect); liquids - you really do need to drink alot!; good food - when we're busy with toddlers, breakfast often gets skipped, when I do this, I notice that my milk is so much lower in the evening; lastly Stress. It is so important as a mum to get a good time out for yourself. Sometimes the only way this is possible is to have a quiet bath on your own for 20 mins while your husband takes the child/ren for a walk.

Being a Mum is a tough job girls - Look After Yourself so you can effectively Look After Your Family!

Breast is best for baby because:
  • Breastfed babies are less likely to have tummy upsets, respiratory infections and ear infections – or if they do get these illnesses, they may be less serious.
  • Breastfeeding decreases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • It helps a baby grow and develop physically and emotionally. They feel secure, less anxious, and more settled and happy. Sucking is rhythmic and comforting and very good for the development of the baby’s brain and nervous system.
  • Breastmilk is easily digested and provides the best nutrition for a baby. It is always fresh and immediately available.
  • Breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in a baby’s later life.
Breast is best for mum because:
  • It reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  • It may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, and hip fracture later in life.
  • Breastfeeding may help with losing the weight gained during pregnancy.
Breast is best for both mum and baby because:
  • Skin-to-skin contact with a well baby is a wonderful way to recover from birth for a mother and baby, a way to start intimately connecting to a baby and a great boost to breastfeeding beginnings.
  • Oxytocin has been described as the ‘love hormone’ and it is secreted when falling in love with another adult, or a baby, and it makes mothers feel relaxed, contented and less anxious.
  • Mothers who breastfeed experience surges of oxytocin every time they breastfeed their babies. Skin-to-skin contact helps this hormone start and keep working.
  • Oxytocin also makes the cells that are wrapped around the milk making glands in breasts contract, which starts breastmilk flowing. A baby sucking at the breast triggers milk let downs during breastfeeds and at the same time a mother's uterus contracts to help it get back into shape faster.
Exclusive breastfeeding is important because:
  • Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended until the infant is around six months of age.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding means that only breastmilk, from the breast or expressed and prescribed medicines have been given from birth.
  • Exclusively breast-fed infants can meet their fluid requirements with breastmilk and do not need water or any other drinks or food.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding protects the infant from infection, because baby is not given any other food or drink that may contain harmful bacteria. Breast milk also supplies antibodies, and immune cells that help baby to resist infection.
  • After around six months of age, exclusive breastfeeding alone is not enough for baby to grow and develop. Complementary foods (solids) should be introduced with continued breastfeeding until at least one year of age, or longer.
Content supplied by the Ministry of Health, for more information see

July 29, 2009

Cooking Secrets Exposed

On the 18th Aug, bring along your favourite recipes to WM, for us to compile into a cookbook. We may take photos of you &/or your kids for the book too, so be prepared. :o)

The categories we're considering are:
One Pot Wonders (Casserole, Crockpots etc)
Easy Baking
Delectable Desserts
Fun Cooking for Kids

So get busy and bring along your favourites...

the funky monkeys

Hi ladies - note that next Tues there is no WM. We are going to the funky monkeys on the wed at 10.30am instead. See their website for more information on them. This will be a huge fun event for our kids. Bring your friends too!

July 22, 2009

Welcome Term 3!!

Hi ladies, the new season calendar is now linked on the right there - we'll have originals at WM next week for you. We had a blast on Tuesday - baking coming out our ears! Thanks for all those that contributed! A huge welcome to the new people who came along too.

The Parenting Place now has it's Term 3 schedule of courses etc available on their website. Check it out - maybe pair up and attend those that interest you, or do swapsies on babysitting. There's always a way to make it happen if you're keen. :o)

Preparation for Parenting Classes: My husband & I facilitate these classes and think they're very practically helpful! If you know anyone who is interested, please give them my details. We will start our next class on the 25th August. (For more info, see the blog listed on the right : NZ Parents...)

See the poll to the right - would you be opposed to wearing a name tag? Have your say.

We hope you all have a fantastic term!

July 12, 2009

Hey God, About that Baby!

Hey God, you know that baby that Mum brought home last week:
She said I need a playmate, but gee the kid won't speak!
He can't even kick my footy, or bowl my cricket ball.
I think it's a waste of time to bring him home at all.

Mummy used to play with me, and read my favourite rhyme,
Now we've got that baby, she hasn't got the time.
It's "just the baby's sleeping", or "must you make that noise?"
Or "mind you don't hurt the baby, don't touch the baby's toys".

Gran says "he's simply darling", she loves his eyes of blue,
I'm getting tired of all this female "coochy coo".
If he burps, he's a clever boy, if I burp, I'm just rude.
Mum says I'm displaying a jealous attitude.

Mum says, "you've got to learn to share, you've got a brother now"
So I shared my sardine sandwich, and gee what a row!
How was I supposed to know a baby doesn't chew,
He's got no teeth, gee what a kid, there's nothing he can do.

So I asked my Dad to change him, maybe for a Pup,
Now Mummy's in there howling, and Dad can't shut her up.
What's the good of babies, they don't know how to play,
And I have to tippy toe around, "Cos baby sleeps all day".

So now I'm in my bedroom, because I cause a fuss.
Gee God! Why did you send that kid to live with us???

July 10, 2009

Wondermums Community Support Project - Noah!

As you may be aware, as a Wondermums group, we are trying to raise money for a little boy named Noah with Leukemia. The thing is, that although we don't know a whole lot about this boy or his family, we do know that they are struggling with this illness and with life right now. Noah is 10 years old and attends a local Manurewa primary school. His family are not well off and are coping with frequent hospital trips for treatment and the like. Noah is loosing his hair and finding it difficult to cope with this socially.
I just can't imagine the pain and emotions that accompany a family who must cope with such an illness as this in one of their children. As a new-ish mum i already know what i feel when my daughter is sick, lethargic and in mild pain! So my heart goes out to Noah and his mum and dad who are dealing with much much more daily.
In a recent email I sent out i gave the opportunity for people to give money towards purchasing the family a new in-ear thermometer. However they are recently been informed by their doctor that unless they are specifically trained in the use of these then they can often give inaccurate readings! Soo we will be giving some more thought as to how to best use the money given for Noah. We will keep you informed, but please be assured that this money given will bless a family in need and show that we care and want to support them with their pain.

Thank you so so much for the amount given so far! We will keep you updated and if you would like any more information please feel free to contact me (Ruth). My email address is

July 9, 2009

What Could I Have Done?

When I think back on my life; years that have passed one by one,
I have to stop and ask myself... just what could I have done?

What could I have done that was so special? What did I do? I'd like to know.
What virtuous deed did I commit that equals the privilege of watching you grow?

As I watch your playful expressions while some amusing story is being unfurled,
I think I must have done something right to bring such a child into this world.

The special times we share together make memories that last long after.
My child, you've brightened so many days with the sound of your sweet laughter.

When a bad day gets me feeling down and things just aren't going right,
you can turn my attitude around with just your hug and kiss "goodnight."

For anything that you may need, I would walk mile...after...mile
if my reward at the end of the journey was just to see you smile.

Our hearts seem to be connected as though linked with an invisible chain;
for when you laugh..I am happy and when you hurt...I feel your pain.

I feel the need to guard and protect you even when we are apart.
From the first time I held you in my arms, ...have held you in my heart.

Did I quench a dying man's thirst? Did I save the life of another?
What could I have done that was so grand that I got this chance to be your mother?

Whatever act that I performed, whatever task that I got done...
I'm just glad that God took note of it... and chose me to be the one!

(c) 1998 Linda Ellis All Rights Reserved

July 7, 2009

Term 3 - Watch this space

Hi ladies,

Term 3 will begin with a coffee & cake week at our usual venue. Remember to bring mornnig tea for your children as per normal, and a small plate to share.

We will have the calendar for T3 available to take home that week.

Looking forward to seeing you all - enjoy your holidays!

June 30, 2009

Visit to The Parenting Place

Today a bunch of us all traipsed up to Greenlane to vist The Parenting Place. It's a lovely place - lots of room with huge beanbags to relax in, an ultra-sized rocking horse to wow the kids, a huge interative computer screen for the kids to play with and best of all - coffee!!!

The Parenting Place holds a number of different seminars designed to help today's parent raise their kids with confidence. (Subjects include: Baby Massage, Toolbox, The Strong-willed Child etc) Visit their website for next term's schedule of seminars.

June 23, 2009


1. Girls Night Out - Lone Star, Manukau. Meet at 7.30pm on Thursday 23rd June for dinner. Sort your babysitters now.

2. End of Term is approaching - please email me with any ideas you might have for our calendar next term.

3. Next week we're off to The Parenting Place at Greenlane. Meet at our church at 9.45am - we'll be on the road by 10am.

Enjoy your weeks!

June 7, 2009

Little Lee has a name! - Isaac Michael Lee!

Isaac means laughter and is a very fitting name for this little baby! Here are a couple more photo's for you to see Sam enjoying his brother and giving him his first cuddles. Doesn't he look truly excited, so lovely to see! What a fine family you have Monique.

June 3, 2009

Sushi making with Tokiko

Thank you again Tokiko for sharing your skills in sushi making with us!

We really appreciate you giving up your time and for helping us make this scrumptious food. Today we got a turn to make our own sushi (yes it can be done!) and then to eat the plentiful amounts we had made.

Here is the sushi recipe for today:

Rice: 2 Cups medium grain white rice (cooked), 1 Cup brown rice (cooked)
3 Tbsp rice vinegar - Heat until sugar and salt are dissolved and mix into rice
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp salt

Omelet: 5 Eggs, 1 Tbspn sugar, pinch of salt - Fry into an omelet

Tuna: 185g tin of tuna, 1/4 onion finely chopped, 2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley, 1 Tbsp Lite Best Foods Mayo

Teriyaki Chicken: Chicken breast cut into strips, Cook chicken breast in a fry pan.
Remove then add:
3 Tbsp Mirin (rice wine)
3 Tbsp Soy Sauce
3 Tbsp Sugar - Can also add boiled carrot and cucumber.
Heat until thickened slightly then add chicken back in.

Place rice and then filling on seaweed and roll.

June 1, 2009

Welcome baby Lee!

A huge Congratulations go out to Monique, Justin and Samuel Lee as Monique gave birth to her little baby boy around 3.56am Sunday 31st May. The little baby does not have a confirmed name yet but that will be updated for you all soon. "Baby Lee" was 10lb 12oz!~! We are all looking forward to meeting you baby and we are thrilled for this new addition to the family and to our lives at Wondermums

May 20, 2009

Kiwi Baking with Lois!

A huge thanks to Lois for coming back to WonderMums and sharing her baking expertise & knowledge with us. A big group of us were able to enjoy chatting, watching the cooking, and questioning Lois for tips.

The recipies which were demonstrated (& we all enjoyed munching!) are listed below for you to download. There is a Word doc or a PDF doc depending on what you want. Each of these recipies approx cost is below $5 each also! Which is brilliant when you're working to a budget.

Pavlova (fail-proof recipie) -(DOC 27kb) or (PDF 23kb)
Pinwheel Scones -(DOC 28kb) or (PDF 24kb)
Apple Pie -(DOC 27kb) or (PDF 24kb)
Chocolate Fudge Slice -(DOC 27kb) or (PDF 24kb)

Link to some of Lois' recipies from last year...