November 30, 2010

Vegge Garden with Joy

Today we had Joy Gallichan come and share with us from her years of growing vegetables. She gave us plenty of basic down to earth (no pun intended) advice on how to grow things, what to grow when, and how to 'attempt' to keep our gardens from simply being a smorgasbord for pests!

In the photo is a small contraption made from cutting both ends off a 3L bottle and a tent peg. You place this around your seedlings and hold it in place with the peg. This acts as a small impromptu glasshouse and helps to keep snails off too. The little container pictured has lamb pellets in it which you just lay over the soil and then as they get wet they break down and are great fertiliser.

You can download Joy's notes here.
You can download notes about Companion Planting here.

"The Gardeners Prayer"
Lord, grant that in some way it may rain every day, say from about midnight, until 3 o'clock in the morning, but you see, it must be gently and warm, so it can soak in...
Grant at the same time, that it would not rain on the campion, alyssum, helianthum, lavender and the others which you in your infinite wisdom know are drought loving plants - I will write their names on a bit of paper, if you like...
And grant that the sun may shine the whole day through, but not everywhere (not for instance, on gentian, plantain lily & rhododendron), and not too much...
That there may be plenty of dew, and very little wind enough worms, no mealy bugs, slugs and snails, no mildew or fungus, and that once a week, thin liquid manure may fall from heaven. Amen.

November 24, 2010

Welcome Baby Ethan!

Julie & Ben Porter had a little boy, Ethan Charles Porter, at Auckland Hospital on Monday the 22nd Nov at 5.05pm. He weighed in at 7lb 8oz and measured 52cm long. Julie and the baby are doing really good, and look great! We look forward to having more cuddles with him at WonderMums!

Congratulations, Julie & Ben!

November 23, 2010

Carol Singing at Elmwood

Today we had the opportunity to bless our local grey-power community. The residents at Elmwood were totally charmed with our wee babies & toddlers while we attempted to sing our carols. Actually, I thought we sounded great! A huge thanks to Dave Barr for his accompaniment on the guitar.

After our songs, we let the kids give out Christmas cards and have a chat to all our listeners. How proud were we of our kids! Next on the agenda was to visit some people who don't get of their rooms very much, and we gave them a pipecleaner christmas tree decoration.

It is definitely a good feeling doing something so simple which totally brightens someone elses day. Thanks ladies for coming along! A few more pics are in the album.
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November 22, 2010

Welcome Baby Finn!

Finn Christian Pointon was born to Mike & Jo Pointon on the 21st November at 12.53pm. He weighed in at 3.420kg (7lb, 8oz), and measured 50cm long with a head circ of 34cm. Jo had him naturally at Papakura Maternity Unit, and she was awesome!

Finn is a little darling - very alert and looking just like his big brother Josh!

A huge Congratulations to you both, Jo & Mike!

November 5, 2010

Christmas Craft Night

Wow - we made some pretty stunning decorations if I don't say so myself! It was also just so nice sitting around chatting with other women and relaxing!! We made those old-fashioned Pomanders, and it wasn't too long till we were all stinked out with cloves. :o) Hopefully they dry properly and are a success.

With some gorgeous papers, we made some 3D decorations complete with beads and ribbons. These were fairly easy to do, and very satisfying. Check out some of our pictures. If anyone wants the instructions, email us on

Oh and supper! Divine!