July 9, 2009

What Could I Have Done?

When I think back on my life; years that have passed one by one,
I have to stop and ask myself... just what could I have done?

What could I have done that was so special? What did I do? I'd like to know.
What virtuous deed did I commit that equals the privilege of watching you grow?

As I watch your playful expressions while some amusing story is being unfurled,
I think I must have done something right to bring such a child into this world.

The special times we share together make memories that last long after.
My child, you've brightened so many days with the sound of your sweet laughter.

When a bad day gets me feeling down and things just aren't going right,
you can turn my attitude around with just your hug and kiss "goodnight."

For anything that you may need, I would walk mile...after...mile
if my reward at the end of the journey was just to see you smile.

Our hearts seem to be connected as though linked with an invisible chain;
for when you laugh..I am happy and when you hurt...I feel your pain.

I feel the need to guard and protect you even when we are apart.
From the first time I held you in my arms, ...have held you in my heart.

Did I quench a dying man's thirst? Did I save the life of another?
What could I have done that was so grand that I got this chance to be your mother?

Whatever act that I performed, whatever task that I got done...
I'm just glad that God took note of it... and chose me to be the one!

(c) 1998 Linda Ellis All Rights Reserved

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