January 4, 2012

Welcome Babies Olivia & Quinn!

Olivia Brynn Carter arrived at 12.21pm on the 7th Dec.  She weighed in at 3.88kg (8lb 9oz) and measured 54cm.  Lisa was a trooper and did very well!

Quinn Mateo Lee arrived at 7.08pm the next day, 8th Dec.  He tipped the scales at 5.42kg (11lb 14oz) and measured 59cm long.  Monique spent a week in Middlemore with Quinn while he was being treated for an infection.  (Check out that link if you would like more info).

So Quinn & Olivia are well acquainted buddies whose Mama's shared a room at hospital!

Congratulations Lisa & Alex, Monique & Justin!

1 comment:

The Beales said...

YES congratulations!!!! You guys are both legends xx